Engineering Services
For most of the automation projects, customized hardware board and software development are in high need. Bootstrap Integrated Systems offers extensive engineering services to cater the customized requirements of the customers.
Bootstrap IS offerings in Engineering Services include, Mixed Signal Board Development, Firmware Development and PC Application Development.
Our team has specialization in wireless technologies like NFC, Bluetooth & Wi-Fi to address the requirements for wireless connectivity in the offered product solutions.
Mixed Signal Board Design & Development
Bootstrap IS has expertise in Design and Development Mixed Signal Hardware Boards.
With well versed experience in measurements, we offer solutions involving right from selection of sensors, signal conditioning, data converting & processing and calibration.
With Low Cost to High Performance Microcontrollers, we can cater the customized requirements of the customer.
Bootstrap's board development services also includes Compliance Testing to test the developed product according the applicable compliance standards (For ex. IEC).
Not limited with end to end Board Development we also offer Value Analysis and Value Engineering services for your existing product.

Firmware Development
Any embedded project involves in Hardware and Firmware development.
Bootstrap Integrated Systems offers firmware development services with C, C++ Programming languages.
We adhere to the complete life cycle management of the firmware development.
Either waterfall or spiral model can be adopted based on the customer's requirements.

Application Software Development

Bootstrap Integrated Systems offers Application Software Development Services for PC and Mobile platforms.
We support Windows & Linux for PC application development and Android for Mobile App.
We adhere to complete SDLC right from requirements gathering to Software Verification & Validation.
Connectivity Solutions
Connectivity is a critical component in modern devices to establish connectivity between the product to external world.
Bootstrap Integrated Systems has expertise in wired and wireless connectivity solutions.
We support RS232/RS485, USB & Ethernet medium for Wired and Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Sub-GHz RF for Wireless connectivity solutions.

LabView Programming
LabView (from National Instruments) Programming is another offer from Bootstrap Integrated Systems for Data Acquisition and Control Solutions.
We provide solutions for NI's DAQ Products as well as customized embedded devices with USB/Serial Interface.

Mechanical Engineering
Any Industrial Automation project involves in Machine Development to meet a specific purpose.
Bootstrap Integrated Systems is highly equipped in Machine Design and Development.
We have expertise in Mechanical D&D right from,
3D Modelling
Detailed 2D Drawing Creations - Manufacturing and Assembly
Fabrication of Parts and Assembly of Units/Machines.
Bootstrap has internal fabrication facility for lower volume and has third party Fabrication Partners to for larger volumes.

Manufactuing Services
Bootstrap has inhouse capacity and necessary tools to cater prototyping and Low volume Manufacturing.
Printed Circuit Board Assembly
Hardware Board Prototyping and Testing
Low Volume Manufacturing Services - PCBA & Mechanical Assembly
Wire Harness Assembly
End of Line Testing and Test Tool Development